Computing Curriculum Intent Statement
At St Swithun Wells, we aim to develop pupils’ experience and understanding of ICT, preparing them for jobs of the future. We want them to have the life-skills that will enable them to understand the function of and purpose of computer science, be digitally literate and independent users of new computing technologies. We want pupils to develop their creativity, resilience and problem solving skills in order to access and make use of the wider global community of IT.
Computing Curriculum Implementation Statement
The computing curriculum is taught discretely and through other subjects at St Swithun Wells. It is used as a tool to enhance learning throughout our overall curriculum. Pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, being responsible users (E Safety), how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. A concise programme of study is in place across the school created by a subject specialist with clear progression of skills teaching from Nursery through to Year 6. Coding lies at the heart of our computing curriculum and provides all our pupils with the same opportunities to develop further their IT and computer science skills. We are proud of our excellent coding skills across the school which has been rewarded through the receipt of the IT Innovation Award for Coding.