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St Swithun Wells'Catholic Primary School

‘where the love of God is always present’

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St Swithun Wells' Attendance & Punctuality Target is 97%


In our Parent Survey 2023-2024, 100% of our parents feel that we promote good attendance and encourage children to attend regularly.


St Swithun Wells’ Catholic Primary school seeks to ensure that all its pupils receive a full time education which maximises opportunities for each pupil to realise his/her true potential. We encourage all members of the community to reach out for excellence. The school will strive to provide a welcoming, caring environment, whereby each member of the school community feels wanted and secure. Good attendance is essential if students are to take full advantage of school and gain the appropriate skills they will need and reach their full potential.


Persistent Absenteeism

A pupil becomes a ‘persistent absentee’ when they miss 10% or more schooling across the school year for whatever reason. Absence at this level is doing considerable damage to any child’s educational prospects and we need parent’s fullest support and cooperation to tackle this. PA pupils will be tracked and monitored carefully through our pastoral system and would be subject to an individual action plan.

  • Procedures for Monitoring Persistent Absenteeism and/ or Punctuality Concerns:
  1. Letter sent from the Headteacher informing parent of the child’s % rate expectation that attendance it improves.
  2. Letter sent from the Headteacher informing parent of the child’s % rate inviting parent to an informal meeting at school. School monitoring of attendance following the meeting over 4 week period.
  3. If improvements are not made, the school will issue a Formal invitation letter to an Attendance Panel meeting. At the meeting the School will set clear and concise attendance goals to be met over a four week period.
  4. If the Panel fails then it will be referred to the Attendance Support team via Stronger Families hub with a view to issuing a penalty fine or summons to the Magistrates court.


Attendance Monitoring

The school will monitor attendance and ensure quick and early intervention if a problem is identified. Holiday requests during term time will not be authorised. All staff will encourage punctuality and good attendance and work closely with families to encourage good attendance. The school will encourage good attendance among children through a system of rewards. The school Governors will monitor attendance closely and work with the Headteacher on attendance issues. The school is also expected to provide monthly attendance returns to the LA for statutory monitoring.


All registers are marked at the beginning of the morning and afternoon session in school. This should be the first task teachers do in the morning (8.45am) and afternoon (1.15pm).

If a child is late and misses registration, a late mark will be recorded. Obviously the school will be sympathetic if this is for a good reason. A pupil who arrives late, after the children have entered into their classrooms, must come to the office with their parents and the parents must sign a late register stating the time they arrived and the reason the child is late.


If a child arrives after the school office has closed registration (9.15am and 1.20pm) this is  deemed as an unauthorised late unless there are exceptional circumstances. These circumstances need to be agreed by the Headteacher.


If a pattern of lateness starts to emerge, parents will be invited to discuss the matter with the Head teacher.


Collection at the End of the School Day

If a parent is going to be late they should phone the school and inform them of when they will be arriving and why they are late. When a parent is late collecting their child the child will wait in the school welfare office or go to Afterschool club to be supervised.


In the unlikely event that at the end of the school day a child has not been collected and their usual contact numbers for emergency contacts are not current, the school may have to involve Social Services and the attached protocol will be followed.


Reporting Absence

If a child is ill and unable to attend school the parent should ring and inform the school by 9am that day and this should then be followed up in writing by email or letter. If the school has not been contacted concerning a child’s absence the school will contact the parents by telephone after 9.30am. 

If the parents do not inform the school about their child’s absence, the absence will be marked as unauthorised. If the school is unable to get hold of parents or children who are absent, then a Welfare Check will be made to the home and followed up. 


  1. Illness, Medical and Dental Appointments - If the school is satisfied that a pupil of compulsory school age is prevented from attending school by reason of illness then the absence will be treated as authorised. Leave for medical or dental appointments may be given (i.e. the absence may be authorised) where confirmation has been received from the parents or on production of an appointments card. The school would ask parents to try and make dental appointments outside school hours.
  2. Exceptional Leave – Any request for exceptional leave must be made by completing an Exceptional Leave request form that may be obtained from the school office. The request should be made prior to the absence and as much notice as possible given. The Headteacher may not grant any leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. There is no automatic entitlement in law to time off in school time to go on holiday.

Read our newsletters for the latest Class Attendance winners.......

St Swithun Wells' Attendance Policy and Exceptional Leave Request Form
