Prayer is central to the life of St. Swithun Wells. Every school session begins with prayer, though prayer can also take place at any time of the school day; in thought, word, deed and action. The programme provides opportunities for celebration, prayer and reflection, which are geared to the developmental stages of the children.
Teachers plan to allow the children to be prepared for and appreciate the celebration of Assemblies and Holy Mass. In these, pupils can take an active part, contribute to the preparation and gain a real sense of involvement while experiencing a celebration at their own level.
Foundation Stage
Pupils have daily prayers, plan their own liturgies and experience RE throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum in both discreet and cross curricular lessons. In nursery children participate in a Christmas and summer liturgy. Reception children participate in school assemblies, masses, Christmas and Easter celebrations.
Pupils take part in assemblies, class liturgies, plan their own liturgies, hymn practise Christmas and Easter celebrations. There is a weekly assembly which focuses on the Sunday Gospel and celebrations that have a focus related to themes currently being taught or appropriate to the Liturgical calendar. Drama, music and active participation are features of these celebrations and children are encouraged to enjoy the time spent.
Prayer Focus
In the classroom
Each class has a prayer focus/ corner which is changed to reflect the present liturgical colour and class topic. Each class has access to resources to create this and there are artefacts and posters kept in a central easily accessible area. The class prayer corner is the focal point for prayers at the beginning, middle (Lunch time) and end of the day and these prayers are displayed in this area.
Areas for prayer across the school
There is an altar in the main foyer which is moved into the hall for school Masses as well as Mary statues which are displayed. In the hall and staff room, there is also a prayer and reflection table.
Objects used for prayer focus
Staff and pupils are encouraged to keep the prayer tables attractive and tidy and emphasis is on quality and appropriateness of the artefacts and pictures.
Pupil Led Celebration of the Word
Children from EYFS to Year 6 can plan and deliver their own Celebration of the Word. Children are active leaders and participators of ‘Collective Worship’ at St Swithun Wells and gain a real sense of involvement while experiencing a celebration at their own level.
The planning of this, lead and delivered by the children, follow the following format:-
Gather: how we come together, the setting, the environment, the use of music, atmosphere, light and religious and other icons
Word: the liturgy will be based on at least on text from the Bible and the Word of God proclaimed from the bible
Response to the Word: the response to the Word may lead in to an action or prayer to be shared by all
Mission: children may be given something to hold during the collective worship which can be used as a visual representation from the liturgy to action as part of their daily lives
The children plan in pairs or a small group and then lead the collective worship. Each classroom has resources that the children can decide to use for their prayer focus when they lead their collective worship. Even the youngest children will play an important role in planning and leading collective worship.
Whole School Acts of Worship
Mass at St Gregory’s- Our Parish
The school has strong links with our local parish. Throughout the year, the school community attends mass at the parish and class and whole school masses are also celebrated in school by Fr Paul McGinn (our Parish and School Priest). An Easter Liturgy, led by Years 3 and 4 children takes place yearly at the parish with the school and parish community attending.
Liturgical Celebrations
Together, the whole school community celebrates some of the feast days at our parish and in school. These involve, Christmas Mass (children from our school participate in the Nativity which is led by the church), Ash Wednesday, Easter Liturgy and a May Procession. The Sacrament of Reconciliation takes place at school and the Year 3 children have the opportunity to further develop their understanding of the Sacrament of Communion as they prepare for their First Holy Communion at church with Sister Joanna. Fr Paulo regularly meets with the RE Lead to plan for Liturgical celebrations across the school year.
The development of faith is the purpose of every assembly in school and participation by pupils in preparing and presenting these is very important. Assemblies are an experience of worship in their own right.
Year 5 and Year 6 have retreats at our local parish of St Gregory's. This is time for our pupils to take a step back from their busy lives and have the opportuity to focus and become closer to God. Father Paulo leads the retreats with the support of class teachers. This year we are introducing a Year 4 residential retreat to SPEC.
Prayer Life at Home
Our parents support the children and the school with the prayer and liturgy.
On every class prayer table, we have prayer bags and pupils are invited to use these to support prayer at home. At Christmas, the SSW Chaplaincy team organised three 'Travelling Cribs' and during Lent they have three 'Travelling Tombs' which support families remembering these key events in the liturgical year through stories, reflections and prayers.
Parents are invited to join us for coffee afternoons led by the SSW Chaplaincy team where we have shared praying the Rosary and reflecting on the Sermon on the Mount story, where Jesus invited us to pray the Our Father.
Parents are invited to whole school masses such at the start of year, Epiphany, class masses, the Holy Communion celebration at Corpus Christi and the Year 6 final mass. They are welcome at all our liturgies such as the EYFS, KS1 and KS2 Nativities, Easter Liturgy and the May Procession and they join us for class assemblies. We welcome all parents to join us on a Friday for our Star of the Week celebration.