The Mini Vinnies are quite literally mini St Vincent de Paul's.
The Society of St Vincent de Paul has been engaging with young people and education since its earliest days. Mini Vinnies are children across KS2 who meet to think of ways to help others in school, in the locality and in the wider world through fundraising. It is an important way of developing the children’s faith and sense of mission as Christians, as well as an awareness of social justice. The Mini Vinnies organise projects linked to our Catholic Social Teaching values and set homework and fundraising every half term.
The Mini Vinnies attended the St Vincent de Paul mass at St Geoge's Cathedral Southwark.
Mini Vinnies organised donations for The Passage linked to Community and Participation.
Mini Vinnies set homework on Fairtrade linked to Dignity of Workers.
Autumn 24 Foodbank Donations
The Mini Vinnies have organised our Harvest fundraiser linked to Care of Creation. Donations were collected at school and Mrs Doyle delivered them to the our parish foodbank at St Gregory's Church. Thank you to all the pupils, staff and parents who contributed to this much needed charity.
Vinnie Bear
The Mini Vinnies presented Year 1 with Vinnie Bear. The children are able to take Vinnie Bear home, to carry out and record 'Acts of Kindness' in his diary.