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St Swithun Wells'Catholic Primary School

‘where the love of God is always present’

Nursery tour dates are now open for booking. Please visit the Key Information/Admissions page to reserve your spot.

SSW Parent Focus Group

The Parent Focus Group are a group of class representatives who meet with the Senior Leadership Team every term to discuss and provide ideas about the school and/or matters that may arise. This is a professional body of people and a constructive meeting. It is not a forum for individual complaints and issues as these are to be addressed through the school's complaints procedures if and when needed. 

The terms of Reference for Parent Focus Group Meetings have been previously agreed as follows:


  • 1. Parent focus group will meet once each term. The meeting will begin at 2pm. This will be a hybrid meeting so parent reps can join virtually if unable to join in person. Parent reps to confirm in advance.
  • 2. Dates for meetings will be set in advance.
  • 3. Ground rules will be established at the start of the year through the terms of reference and followed up throughout the year at meetings if this is necessary.
  • 4. The Parent Focus Group’s purpose is to provide a mechanism for discussing issues that affect the school community, bringing matters to the attention of the Headteacher and Governing Body. We would like to hear from parents about what the school is doing well and discuss how we could improve further.
  • 5. To have a link with the Governing Body via a Parent or Foundation Governor. 6. One parent from every class will volunteer themselves as the class representative for the Parent Focus Group.
  • 7. The names of the class representatives of the Parent Focus Group will be published to all parents via the school newsletter at the start of the year.
  • 8. Issues for discussion at meetings to be provided in advance of the meeting by the class reps on behalf of the parent community. Agenda items to be emailed to the school office. (The school will no longer utilise the parent focus meeting item box as all items should be via the class reps.)
  • 9. Parent Focus Group is not the channel for individual complaints and issues. Concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or teachers will not be discussed. Any individual concerns or complaints should follow school policy and be raised with your child’s class teacher in the first instance. (Procedure is as follows: class teacher, then key stage leaders then, senior leaders before being raised with the Headteacher then Chair of the Governing Body.)
  • 10. Responsibility for agreed actions will be shared amongst the membership.
  • 11. Minutes of the meetings will be sent to all parents.
  • 12. Parent Focus Group has an advisory and consultative role. The Governing Body remains the decision maker and provides strategic leadership. There is no reduction in the role and responsibilities of the Governing Body.

Class Representatives 2023-2024

Nursery - TBC

Reception - Ciara McGrath

Year 1 - Jade Campbell

Year 2 - Sarah Scannell

Year 3 - Krisztina Foster

Year 4 - TBC

Year 5 - Nicola McCarthy & Leana Menezes

Year 6 - TBC
