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St Swithun Wells'Catholic Primary School

‘where the love of God is always present’

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Art & Design

Art & Design Curriculum Intent Statement

Our Art and Design Curriculum aims to develop creativity and equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.


Art & Design Implementation Statement

We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in art and design. We ensure that the act of investigating and making something includes exploring and developing ideas as well as evaluating work. Through the teaching of art and design, pupils are encouraged to use a wide variety of media to develop their artistic skills. Pupils explore still life observational drawing, experimentation, illustration, colour, texture, design and dimension. Artists and artistic styles form part of the key focus of teaching and pupils use this to create independent artwork. Art teaching and its links to other subjects is a pivotal part of the curriculum at St Swithun Wells with final pieces created and displayed across the school. Examples of this are; Art through RE and History. Pupils are also provided with additional enrichment opportunities as part of the school’s extra-curricular programme, making and creating pieces of work which include, sewing and knitting.

We follow KAPOW scheme for the planning and teaching of Art and Design.
