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St Swithun Wells'Catholic Primary School

‘where the love of God is always present’



Maths Curriculum Intent Statement

St Swithun Wells is passionate about developing pupils’ deep understanding, confidence and mathematical fluency. We aim to ensure that Maths is the foundation for understanding the world and we want our pupils to know the purpose behind the mathematical skills they develop in order to apply this knowledge to real life context.


Maths Curriculum Implementation Statement

One of the three aims of the new curriculum states that pupils (of all ages, not just primary pupils) will: ….become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.

In Reception and Key Stage One, teachers follow the Mastering Number Programme in conjunction with the London Central and West Maths Hub and the NCTEM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics).  This programme aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all pupils from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that pupils will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.

Pupils across the school are taught how to Practise, Apply and Reason their mathematical knowledge. Opportunities are built into the lesson to Extend all and challenge thinking to ensure greater depth in mathematical understanding. Teachers use this PARE approach when planning their maths lessons. They create maths questions linked to objectives taught to allow all pupils to access the learning provided which they do at their pace. If there is a need to spend more time on practising new mathematical concepts and skills, teachers will plan for this and pupils are encouraged to embed this knowledge before applying and reasoning. We ensure that progression of skills is taught across each age phase to develop confident mathematical fluency to raise outcomes for all learners. High expectations of multiplication fluency are also embedded across the school in order to equip pupils with this key skill which can then be utilised across all areas in maths. This is done through the use of Mathematical Challenge activities (Year 2 to Year 6) focusing on arithmetic and fluency as well as the use of Times Tables Rock Stars Resource.  

Engaging activities and strategies are in place to support learning and ensuring that maths is taught in a practical way to encourage reasoning, use of language and cross – curricular learning. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, pupils are exposed further to maths in the environment through well-planned and considered learning opportunities within the classroom and outdoor environment. Teachers promote mathematical learning in a variety of ways to ensure that pupils enter the next key stage equipped with the necessary mathematical knowledge to access the national curriculum with confidence. Maths planning and teaching delivery is supplemented by the support of White Rose Maths.

Structure of Maths Teaching-  

Day 1- Teaching of new skill and pupils practise this skill (with practical equipment wherever possible)

Day 2- Further practice of new skill taught (if needed)

Day 3- Applying knowledge and understanding of new skill through a variety of independent activities or questions

Day 4- Activities or questions to develop mathematical reasoning related to the new skill taught

Day 5- Extend and challenge mathematical thinking within new skill taught in order to deepen their understanding


** It may be necessary for teachers to cover more than one aspect of mathematical learning above in one lesson and may even spend further days on other aspects 

Times Tables Recall- Times Tables Rock Stars Parent Information
