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St Swithun Wells'Catholic Primary School

‘where the love of God is always present’

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English Curriculum Intent Statement

At St Swithun Wells, our aim is to ensure that all our pupils receive a high-quality English Curriculum that gives pupils the best possible opportunities to become confident, literate successful members of society with deep love and understanding of English and literature.


English Curriculum Implementation Statement

At St Swithun Wells, we ensure that there are the same expectations for the quality of teaching across all areas of the English Curriculum. The teaching of Reading is taught through discrete lessons as well as additional guided reading and whole class text teaching experiences. Pupils are read to and with every week and teachers ensure that there is a love and excitement for Reading in all classes across the school which is also encouraged through the expectation of reading widely (in school library and beyond).  OTTER (Our Time To Enjoy Reading) forms the love of Reading culture at our school and takes place daily across the school.

The teaching of Early Reading includes the use of Little Wandle Letters and Sounds (revised) which is embedded across EYFS and KS1 with KS2 teachers accessing the phonics curriculum to further support pupils where this is needed. As a result, our pupils are confident in the use of phonics to support their reading development.

English lessons develop pupils’ spoken language and use of language with the encouragement of speaking with confidence and being inquisitive through questioning. A bespoke model for the teaching of writing at our school includes spelling, grammar and punctuation and the development of writing skills (see below model). Pupils are expected to write with confidence, skill and flair in order to foster the enjoyment of writing and recognise its value. Pupils are also encouraged to be able to independently self improve their writing through a planning, drafting and editing process. Spelling Shed resources is used to support the teaching of spelling rules and application in writing.

At St Swithun Wells, we use Little Wandle Phonics and Early Reading Scheme


Phonics is taught from Nursery through to lower Key Stage Two at our school. 


We would like to draw your attention to the following websites:-

Little Wandle- Parent support

Flash card resources

Early Reading and Phonics Workshop for Parents by SSW staff
