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St Swithun Wells'Catholic Primary School

‘where the love of God is always present’

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History Curriculum Intent Statement

We aim to deliver a history curriculum that is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more. Our teaching of history will help pupils gain a secure knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. The curriculum is structured in a way that allows for children to make links between current and previous learning. Teachers use the long term plans for history to make comparisons between historical periods previously taught, developing children’s chronological knowledge and understanding from the Stone Age to present day.

We want children to be curious to know more about the past and to have the skills required to explore their own interests. History lessons focus on working as historians and developing historical skills and there are many opportunities for the curriculum to be enriched through historical visits, visitors and events held in school.

We aim to enable children to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. It is important for children to develop a sense of identity through learning about the past and we want them to know how history has shaped their own lives.


History Curriculum Implementation Statement

The teaching of History at St Swithun Wells focuses on helping our pupils understand historical events and their significance. To support the programme of study for History across the school, we provide opportunities wherever possible for visits to sites of historical significance. Topics are planned to build on prior learning and pupils are encouraged to ask questions, reference timelines and challenge thinking.  Tasks are often planned to be open-ended, facilitated by cross-curricular links with other subject areas (English, Geography and Music). There are also links with spiritual, moral, social and cultural development e.g. child labour in Victorian Britain, significance of Remembrance Day as part of World War II, the role of the church in Tudor times etc.

Geography Curriculum Intent Statement

At St Swithun Wells, we want to ensure that all pupils are given the opportunity to develop experiences and understanding of Geography, inspiring and igniting their curiosity about the wider world.


Geography Curriculum Implementation Statement

Purposeful and relevant geographical knowledge is at the centre of our Geography curriculum. We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in our geography lessons combining enquiry-based research activities with discrete teaching of geographical knowledge and skills. We offer pupils the opportunity to use a variety of data such as maps, statistics, graphs, pictures  and aerial photographs. ICT is used regularly in lessons where this serves to enhance learning. Wherever possible, pupils are involved in ‘real’ geographical activities. Fieldwork is integral to good geography teaching and we include as many opportunities as we can to involve pupils in practical geographical research and enquiry.
